AltaVia Travel in cooperation with Scardian Insurance Company offers to it’s clients Travel Health Insurance that covers:

Medical Expenses
SCARDIAN will pay reasonable expenses necessary medical emergency, hospitalization and recovery in the event of an acute disease from which the insured person has not previously suffered.

Repatriation costs
SCARDIAN will pay the costs of repatriation in case the insured person due to an accident or illness die in the area described in the policy / general conditions.

Personal Accidents
SCARDIAN will pay reasonable expenses necessary medical emergency, hospitalization and recovery in the event of an accident.

The deductible
The deductible for health insurance on the trip is 50 euro for all policies. This is the amount you will pay in your own for any medical expenses.

The sum insured
The sum insured is 30,000 euro and it implies that Scardian compensates in the event of activation of the insurance travel insurance policy.

Covered territories
South East Europe
European countries
South East: Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Moldova, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Turkey

The policy applies to member states of the Schengen

Excluding USA, Canada and Japan

Travel insurance covers all countries in the world.